How To Choose A Collaborative Professional
If you have done research on the Collaborative process, you have learned that there are several core principles underlying the process, such as the commitment of the parties and the professionals to resolve the issues and address the problems confronting the couple/parties/family without resorting to the Courts. Seeking a dignified and private process where attention to the welfare of the parties’ children is a paramount concern provides a strong motivation to choose to participate in the Collaborative process when a divorce is imminent.
Another core principle is the team approach, based on the well tested model through which the critical professionals (legal, mental health and financial) all share the same commitment to the Collaborative divorce process and all have obtained requisite training in the Collaborative process.
Although there may be a common perception among members of the public that divorce only requires attorneys to negotiate the issues, the importance of the support, analysis and insight of collaboratively trained mental health and financial experts has broad applicability to the challenges of resolving intimate, delicate issues in the divorce process.