Collaborative Divorce: The Revolutionary New Way to Restructure Your Family, Resolve Legal Issues, and Move on With Your Life by Pauline Tesler and Peggy Thompson, Regan Books / Harper Collins, 2006
The Collaborative Way to Divorce: The Revolutionary Method that Results in Less Stress, Lower Costs and Happier Kids—Without Going to Court by Ron Ousky and Stuart Webb, Hudson Street Press (2006)
Avoiding Litigation: A Guide to Civil Collaborative Law by Sherrie R. Abney, Trafford Publishing (2006)
Collaborative Practice: Deepening the Dialogue by Nancy Cameron, The CLE Society of British Columbia (2004)
Collaborative Law: A New Model for Dispute Resolution by Sheila Gutterman, Bradford Publishing (2004)
Collaborative Family Law: Another Way to Resolve Family Disputes by Richard Shields; Judith Ryan and Victoria Smith, Thomson Carswell (2003)
Collaborative Law: Good News, Bad News, or No News? (article)
The Good Divorce by Constance Ahrons, Harper Paperbacks (1998)
We’re Still Family: What Grown Children Have to Say About Their Parents’ Divorce by Constance Ahrons, Harper Paperbacks (2005)
Divorce Without Court: A Guide to Mediation & Collaborative Divorce by Katherine Stoner, Nolo Press (2006)
Divorce Without Disaster by Janet P. Brumley, PSG Books (2004)
Learning from Divorce by Christine Coates and Robert E. LaCrosse, San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass, 2003
The Divorce Workbook: A Guide for Kids & Families by Sally Blakeslee Ives; David Fassler and Michele Lash, Burlington, Vermont, Waterfront Books, 1985
Divorce Busing: A Revolutionary and Rapid Program for Staying Together by Michele Weiner-Davis, New York, Simon and Schuster Paperbacks, 1992
My Life Turned Upside Down, But I Turned it Rightside Up by Mary Blitzer Field, Henny Shore
Divorce for Dummies by John Ventura, Mary Reed This is a very comprehensive book that covers a lot of material and is easy to understand.
Parenting & Divorce
Mom’s House, Dad’s House: A Complete Guide for Parents Who are Separated, Divorced or Remarried by Isolina Ricci
In the Name of the Child by Janet Johnston; Vivienne Roseby and Kathryn Kuehnle (Springer Publishing 2009)
Changing Families, A Guide for Kids and Grown-ups by David Fassler; Michele Lash and Sally Blakeslee Ives, Burlington, Vermont, Waterfront Books, 1988
Changing Families, A Guide for Kids and Grown-ups by David Fassler; Michele Lash and Sally Blakeslee Ives, Burlington, Vermont, Waterfront Books, 1988
My Kind of Family, A Book For Kids in Single-Parent Homes by Michele Lash; Sally Ives Loughridge and David Fassler, Burlington, Vermont, Waterfront Books, 1990
Why Did You Have to Get a Divorce? And When Can I Get a Hamster?: A Guide to Parenting Through Divorce by Anthony E. Wolf, New York, New York, Noonday Press, 1998
“Does Wednesday Mean Mom’s House or Dad’s House?” By Marc Ackerman, Ph.D.(1997, Wiley Press)
Ex-Etiquette For Parents: Good Behavior After a Divorce or Separation by Jann Blackstone-Ford and Shary Jupe (2004, Chicago Review)
The Single Parent Resource by Noel Brook and Arthur C. Klein (1998, Champion Press)
Divorce and New Beginnings: A Complete Guide to Recovery, Solo Parenting, Co-Parenting and Stepfamilies by Genevieve Clapp (2000, Wiley)
Build a Co-Parenting Team: After Divorce or Remarriage (Stepfamily Information Series) by Peter K. Gerlach (2003, Xlibris Press)
Good Parenting Through You Divorce: The Essential Guidebook to Helping Your Children Adjust and Thrive Based on the Leading National Program by Mary Ellen Hannibal (2006, Marlowe and Company)
Helping Children Survive Divorce by Archibald D. Hart (1997, Thomas Nelson Publishers)
Single Parenting That Works: Six Keys to Raising Happy, Healthy Children in a Single-Parent Home by Kevin Leman (2006, Tyndale House Publishing)
Mom’s House, Dad’s House: Making Two Homes For Your Child by Isolina Ricci (2006, Fireside)
Joint Custody With a Jerk: Raising a Child With an Uncooperative Ex: A Hands On, Practical Guide to Coping With Custody Issues That Arise With an Uncooperative Ex-Spouse by Julie A. Ross and Judy Corcoran (1996, Saint Martin’s Griffin Press)
Difficult Questions Kids Are Too Afraid to Ask About Divorce by Meg Schneider and Joan Zuckerbert, Ph.D. (2006, Fireside Press)
Parenting After Divorce: A Guide to Resolving Conflicts and Meeting Your Children’s Needs by Philip Michael Stahl (2002, Impact Publishers)
The Co-Parenting Survival Guide: Letting go of Conflict After a Difficult Divorce by Elizabeth Thayer, Ph.D. and Jeffrey Zimmerman, Ph.D. (2001, New Harbinger Publications)
Parents are Forever: A Step by Step Guide to Becoming Successful Co-Parents After Divorce by Shirley Thomas (2004, Springboard Press)
What About the Kids? Raising Your Children Before, During and After Divorce by Judith Wallerstein, Ph. D. and Sandra Blakesee (2003, Hyperion Press)
Stepcoupling: Creating and Sustaining a Strong Marriage in Today’s Blended Family by Susan Wisdom and Jennifer Green (2002, Three Rivers Press)
Mom’s House, Dad’s House: A Complete Guide for Parents Who are Separated, Divorced or Remarried by Isolina Ricci
The Best Parent is Both Parents: A Guide to Shared Parenting in the 21st Century by David L. Levy
The Boys and Girls Book About Divorce by Richard A. Gardener
Divorce Happens to the Nicest Kids: A Self Help Book for Kids by Michael S. Prokop
My Parents Still Love Me Even Though They’re Getting Divorced: An Interactive Tale for Children by Lois V. Nightingale
Kids and Divorce
Maggie in the Middle by Nancy Douglas Cook, Scholastic (1976)
Dinosaur Divorce by Marc Brown and Laurie Brown, Krasny (1988, Little Brown Young Readers)
Koko Bear: A Read-Together Book For Parents and Young Children During Divorce by Vicki Lansky, It’s Not Your Fault (1997, The Book Peddlers)
I Think Divorce Stinks by Marcia Lebowitz, Lipman and Pamela M. Borguald (1992, CDL Press)
Two Homes by Clalire Masurel and Kady Macdonald Denton (2003, Candlewick)
I Don’t Want to Talk About It by Jeanie Franz Ransom(2002, Magination Press)
Problem Solving, Communication and Negotiations Skills
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Roger Fisher; William Ury and Bruce Patton, Penguin (1991)
Difficult Conversations, How to Discuss What Matters Most by Douglas Stone; Bruce Patton and Sheila Heen (Harvard Negotiation Project), Viking Press (1999)
Getting Past No, Negotiating in Difficult Situations by William L. Ury, Bantam (1993)
The Argument Culture: Moving from Debate to Dialogue by Deborah Tannen, Bllantine (1999)
You Don’t Understand by Deborah Tannen, Harper Paperbacks (2001)
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.
Beyond Winning by Robert Mnookin, Harvard University Press (2000)
High Conflict People in Legal Disputes by William Eddy, Janis Publications (2006)
Divorce Books For Children
“Dinosaur’s Divorce”, Lawrence. Brown and Marc Brown, 1986
“Let’s Talk About Divorce”, Fred Rogers, 1996
“The Boys and Girls Book About Divorce”. Dr. Richard Gardner, 1977
“Two Homes To Live In”, Barbara Shook Hazen, 1978
“Divorce Happens To The Nicest Kids”, Michael S. Prokup, 1996
“ When Your Parents Split Up…How To Keep Yourself Together”, Alys Swan-Jackson, 1998
“Was It The Chocolate Pudding?”, Sandra Levins, 2005
“When Emily Woke Up Angry”, R. Duncan, 1989
“My Mother’s House, My Father’s House”, C.B.Christiansen, 1989
“Always, Always”, C. Dragonwagon, 1984
“Blue Sky, Butterfly”, J .Van Lewen, 1996
“When Mom and Dad Divorced” Julian Messner, 1986
“On Divorce, An OPen Family Book for Parents and Kids Together”, S.B. Stein, 1979